This novel design consists on a twin-engine aircraft type with high wing, and with the landing gear and turboprop forming an assembly under each wing, and twin horizontal stabilizers. This aircraft is able to carry out multipurpose functions at low cost, because the only spacialized part is the central segment of the fuselage that on the other hand is the less expensive part of the aircraft, to being purely structural, to be exempt of sophisticated devices and to be constituted as a module easily detachable of the aircraft. Therefore, the purpose of this aircraft varies in function of the container type that incorporates in each flight. On one hand it doesn't increase significantly the weight, and on the other hand not diminishes the airplane security. Another achievement is that the container load and unload operations can carry out in an autonomous way by the aircraft, without external support. Therefore, the introduction of this technology can increase the flexibility of the current aircrafts, and to diminish considerably its operation costs. Compared with a conventional airplane of similar characteristics, the only additional weight comes given by the rails that suppose two structural reinforcements of the fuselage.
The design show in the next figures. It is characterized to have divided the fuselage in three modules: the previous part or head (1), the central part or container (2) and the later part or tail (3). These three parts loll of the rest of the aircraft, supported on two parallel rails (4). These rails crosses the superior part of the airship lengthwise from the head (1) until the tail (3). inside the raíles are installed the cables as well as the hydraulic pipes.
![]() Container loading aided with terrestrial carrier |